EMBRYOLY is an AI-powered SaaS platform
that makes your IVF center more efficient

With EMBRYOLY, you can optimize

Time to pregnancy

Time needed to evaluate & rank embryos

Administrative time to manage embryos

Communication time with patients and colleagues
Minimize time to pregnancy with our AI-based score
Our AI-based ranking is trained on a multi-centric (>15) and multi-microscope (MIRI®, GERI®, EMBRYOSCOPE®, EMBRYOSCOPE+®) database equivalent to more than 50+ years of embryology expertise. This morphokinetic score objectively ranks embryos in terms of their clinical pregnancy potential, and has been characterized in our Human Reproduction publication. Our article published in RBMO provides additional data showcasing how EMBRYOLY could help reduce time to pregnancy.
Find out how EMBRYOLY could have saved patients’ time to pregnancy when only poor quality embryos were available or across embryos of varying prognoses.

Personalized transfer recommendations to optimize your next steps
EMBRYOLY also generates a personalized embryo transfer recommendation for increased accuracy of the chances an embryo has to lead to a clinical pregnancy. This can help optimize subsequent transfers and egg retrievals in a more data-driven way.
We exposed our algorithms to millions of clinical datapoints corresponding to more than 90+ clinical factors describing patients and their IVF treatment, and identified those with the highest predictive power to personalize your embryo assessment based on each patient’s clinical context. You can also visualize how each datapoint impacted the final recommendation for added transparency.
Find out how EMBRYOLY deprioritized potentially aneuploid embryos.
Save valuable analysis time
EMBRYOLY can alleviate your manual and time-consuming search for key biological events that you are used to identifying to rank embryos, from the cleavage stages to the expanded blastocyst. EMBRYOLY leverages the research from our unique database to give you early hints about the likelihood an embryo has to not lead to a pregnancy. Ask for a demo to see the other embryonic events that EMBRYOLY can identify for you.

Find out how EMBRYOLY can accelerate daily embryo evaluations.
Stay in control of your performances
EMBRYOLY can track different key performance indicators (KPI) at various levels. Tracking these KPIs helps IVF centers better control their performances and react swiftly, from training needs to unforeseen changes in the lab. Thanks to our comprehensive database, EMBRYOLY helps you minimize your KPIs’ variability within groups of patients or embryos with similar AI- or consensus-derived prognosis.

Streamline administration & communication
EMBRYOLY provides a smoother digital communication with your patients, helping you cut through the noise so you can focus on the meaningful conversations.
Embryologists can seamlessly grant patients access to videos of the embryos of their choice via a private portal to provide patients with more context about embryonic development in general. Personalized patient reports can easily be generated and customized to share details regarding the treatment.
The patient portal can also be used to share with patients some key steps of their embryonic development as well as administrative documentation related to embryos.

Patients can also watch short explanatory videos in French, English or Spanish to absorb this information in their own time and at their own pace, allowing centers to focus on the conversations that truly matter with them.
As an example, this short teaser shows one of our videos explaining embryonic development as part of our series “All about your embryos”. Other episodes include: “Time lapse systems”, “Artificial intelligence and embryo evaluation”, and “Why freeze your embryos?”. Contact us for more information.