The Power of Simpson’s Paradox: How Ignoring Subgroups Can Reverse Conclusions

by Nina Gidel-Dissler Introduction Understanding the world around us has always been an objective of humankind. One effective method to go about this has involved formulating a theorem and proving its validity with mathematical demonstrations before then comparing it against real-world observations. This has especially been the case in physics…

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Introducing: Tancho Markovik, VP of AI & Engineering

At ImVitro, we are lucky enough to be surrounded by an inspiring group of people that challenges and celebrates one another. This is why we would like to share the first interview of many to spotlight the talent in our team! We sat down with our VP of AI &…

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Why ImVitro uses a Single Page Application

by Marie Morisi   ImVitro’s product, EMBRYOLY, is a SaaS platform that assists embryologists in their embryo evaluations and helps manage the embryo management needs of IVF centers. With infertility on the rise coupled with the increasing challenges and expectations embryologists face in the lab, we have created a product…

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IVF: femtech or famtech?

by Alexandra Boussommier-Calleja As the founder of a company focusing on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), I have repeatedly been told that ImVitro is a Femtech company, with what I believe to be very good intentions. I started receiving mixed signals as to why: sometimes, it seems to be because the…

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Why serverless? An insight from ImVitro’s technical architect 

By Hedaia Ghannam As the technical architect here at ImVitro, I am responsible for designing the structure of our software Embryoly and overseeing its development with the engineering team. In this blog post, I will walk you through the reasoning behind two key decisions made while building Embryoly around AWS…

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Our 5 tips for AI start-ups to effectively complete and maintain their CE marking technical file

Bridging the gap between theory and practice for a Software as a Medical Device powered by artificial intelligence  by Inès D’Heygère Every company that plans on launching a Software as Medical Device(SaMD) is faced with the obligation to comply with the regulations applicable in their marketing countries. If you want…

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Birth of ImVitro

Why ImVitro ? by Alexandra Boussommier It is generally said that you can get to the bottom of any question by asking close to 5 consecutive “Why?”. To inaugurate ImVitro’s blog, I decided to go through this exercise myself to dig deep into why I started this company and to…

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When art meets IVF: ImVitro’s walls get decorated with Sara’s work!

Our offices are not decorated with Sara Puig’s work! Check out our beautiful embryos, painted with ImVitro’s colors and showing embryos at different stages of development, until hatching Thanks to Sara for reminding us with her art how beautiful it is to be working on images of embryos on a…

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