Seeing Inside the Lab: The Power of Patient Portals in IVF

by Rebecca Caruso Introduction: What is our product? ImVitro’s product, EMBRYOLY, is an AI-powered SaaS platform that helps IVF centers become more efficient. With our algorithms, we support clinics by saving them precious time in the lab while still maximizing their performances. Aside from AI, we also provide features that…

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Can AI bring time-lapse imaging to the next level?​

Can AI bring time-lapse imaging to the next level ? by Yakup Yilmaz        30 May  2022 IVF success rates have remained relatively low for over a decade [1] while infertility is steadily becoming more of a burden to our society. To improve IVF success rates, a great…

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The IVF journey part II: what happens after embryo transfer

Embryo transfer outcome by Yakup Yilmaz     19 April 2022

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The IVF journey part I: what happens before embryo transfer

Your IVF journey by Yakup Yilmaz     4 April 2022

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