The Power of Simpson’s Paradox: How Ignoring Subgroups Can Reverse Conclusions

by Nina Gidel-Dissler Introduction Understanding the world around us has always been an objective of humankind. One effective method to go about this has involved formulating a theorem and proving its validity with mathematical demonstrations before then comparing it against real-world observations. This has especially been the case in physics…

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Seeing Inside the Lab: The Power of Patient Portals in IVF

by Rebecca Caruso Introduction: What is our product? ImVitro’s product, EMBRYOLY, is an AI-powered SaaS platform that helps IVF centers become more efficient. With our algorithms, we support clinics by saving them precious time in the lab while still maximizing their performances. Aside from AI, we also provide features that…

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Save time and energy with EMBRYOLY’s digital and secure frozen embryo consents

About us & our product ImVitro’s SaaS platform EMBRYOLY is an AI-powered software. EMBRYOLY’s core feature provides a ranking based on the embryo’s morphokinetics as well as a subsequent transfer priority recommendation personalized to the patient for increased accuracy. See our product page for more information! The challenge In many cases,…

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Estimate the realistic value-add of EMBRYOLY on your clinic’s global first cycle pregnancy rate

About us & our product ImVitro’s SaaS platform EMBRYOLY is an AI-powered software. EMBRYOLY’s core feature provides a ranking based on the embryo’s morphokinetics as well as a subsequent transfer priority recommendation personalized to the patient for increased accuracy. See our product page for more information! The challenge Ranking embryos is…

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How will EMBRYOLY positively impact your clinic’s productivity?

Answer these questions to download a personalized and concise report about how EMBRYOLY will positively impact your clinic’s productivity. 1. All questions are compulsory. If unsure, we suggest some values as per our customer’s feedback and the literature that you could use as rough estimates.   If the embryologist is in…

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Reduce blastocyst grading variability with EMBRYOLY

About us & our product ImVitro’s SaaS platform EMBRYOLY is an AI-powered software. EMBRYOLY’s core feature provides a ranking based on the embryo’s morphokinetics as well as a subsequent transfer priority recommendation personalized to the patient for increased accuracy. See our product page for more information! The challenge While evaluating the…

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What Alabama’s ruling suggests: Is IVF less worthy than other medical treatments?

by Alexandra Boussommier-Calleja   Did you know that infertility is a disease? This might not be obvious as it’s not life-threatening for the patient, but it is in fact a disease of the reproductive system. And yet, the recent ruling in Alabama might suggest that it is a lesser one,…

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Not a lost cause for EMBRYOLY when only poor-quality embryos are available

About us & our product ImVitro’s SaaS platform EMBRYOLY is an AI-powered software. EMBRYOLY’s core feature provides a ranking based on the embryo’s morphokinetics as well as a subsequent transfer priority recommendation personalized to the patient for increased accuracy. See our product page for more information! The challenge Embryo morphokinetics is…

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ImVitro’s publication in RBMO

ImVitro’s article is accessible here! We are very proud to have our work accepted in the journal RBMO. With this article, we demonstrate that EMBRYOLY as an adjunct tool to the embryologist’s initial ranking could have significantly increased first cycle pregnancy rates. This supports our strong belief that AI can help embryologists…

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How AI sees embryos

by Antonin Duval   Artificial intelligence (AI) has now been in embryology for more than 5 years, with a particular focus on embryo evaluation. You may have wondered, however, how AI is actually able to “see” an embryo. How does it learn, for example, that a specific arrangement of cells…

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Accelerate embryo evaluation and anticipate pregnancy outcomes better with EMBRYOLY

About us & our product ImVitro’s SaaS platform EMBRYOLY is an AI-powered software. EMBRYOLY’s core feature provides a ranking based on the embryo’s morphokinetics as well as a subsequent transfer priority recommendation personalized to the patient for increased accuracy. See our product page for more information! The challenge Embryo evaluation is…

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ImVitro’s CEO & Founder pitches at Slush

ImVitro’s CEO and Founder, Alexandra Boussommier-Calleja was invited to speak at the world’s leading startup event. Watch the video here to hear about how ImVitro is helping IVF centers be more efficient.

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Les Echos cites ImVitro

“[ImVitro] a levé 3,5 millions d’euros depuis sa création en 2019, propose un score de probabilité fondé sur un algorithme alimenté par 60.000 vidéos d’embryons associées à leur transformation en grossesse ou non.” [EN translation]: “[ImVitro] has raised 3.5 million euros since its founding in 2019, and outputs a score…

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ImVitro featured in The Guardian

Pathways to Parenthood launched in The Guardian the 27th of September, aiming to spotlight the different options available to patients for starting a family as well as the technologies that help their IVF centers get there faster, such as our SaaS platform EMBRYOLY. We’re proud that Mediaplanet invited us to be part of this, among…

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Introducing: Tancho Markovik, VP of AI & Engineering

At ImVitro, we are lucky enough to be surrounded by an inspiring group of people that challenges and celebrates one another. This is why we would like to share the first interview of many to spotlight the talent in our team! We sat down with our VP of AI &…

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Why ImVitro uses a Single Page Application

by Marie Morisi   ImVitro’s product, EMBRYOLY, is a SaaS platform that assists embryologists in their embryo evaluations and helps manage the embryo management needs of IVF centers. With infertility on the rise coupled with the increasing challenges and expectations embryologists face in the lab, we have created a product…

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Deprioritize embryos at risk of being aneuploid with EMBRYOLY

About us & our product ImVitro’s SaaS platform EMBRYOLY is an AI-powered software. EMBRYOLY’s core feature provides a ranking based on the embryo’s morphokinetics as well as a subsequent transfer priority recommendation personalized to the patient for increased accuracy. See our product page for more information! The challenge Many aneuploid embryos…

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Helping you categorize AI algorithms for embryo evaluation

by Alexandra Boussommier-Calleja   If you’ve attended ESHRE, chances are you do not need to be convinced that AI for embryo evaluation is not just a trend bound to disappear in a couple of years. The interest has now persisted long enough that we all know AI for embryo evaluation…

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Even superheroes need help

by Alexandra Boussommier-Calleja   The comprehensive quarterly technology review from The Economist published yesterday called “The most personal technology” is a great reminder that IVF is a technology at the heart of our society with ethical boundaries that should constantly be debated by us all. What transpires from all eight…

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ImVitro on Business Insider

“ImVitro’s mission is to increase the number of successful IVF treatments among patients. The startup has developed an operating system that uses AI to automate the evaluation of embryos…[and] takes into account other data points, such as a patient’s BMI and uterus receptivity, to hone predictions for embryologists.” Read the…

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Biopharma Trend cites ImVitro

“With a team of AI, medtech, and regulatory experts, ImVitro is spearheaded by Dr. Alexandra Boussommier, a highly skilled biomedical engineer trained in Switzerland, the UK, and the US. The company’s flagship product, EMBRYOLY, is a B2B SaaS platform that harnesses computer vision and AI to enhance the imaging process…

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EMBRYOLY ranks any embryo across a network of clinics, no matter the patient or prognosis

About us & our product ImVitro’s SaaS platform EMBRYOLY is an AI-powered software. EMBRYOLY’s core feature provides a ranking based on the embryo’s morphokinetics as well as a subsequent transfer priority recommendation personalized to the patient for increased accuracy. See our product page for more information! The challenge Patients often go…

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ImVitro featured in French startup magazine Maddyness

“La solution d’ImVitro, baptisée EMBRYOLY, analyse les vidéos des microscopes pour faire gagner du temps aux cliniciens, apporter de la transparence aux patients, éliminer les erreurs humaines et fournir des prédictions fiables à grande échelle.” [EN translation]: “ImVitro’s product, called EMBRYOLY, analyzes microscope videos to save clinicians time, bring transparency…

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ImVitro’s publication in Human Reproduction

ImVitro’s first peer-reviewed article is now accesible here! We are very proud to have our work accepted in the journal Human Reproduction. With this article, we rigorously characterize our computer vision models used which power EMBRYOLY, and demonstrate how using clinical features improves clinical pregnancy prediction. A big thank you…

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EMBRYOLY is now connected to Embryoscope®, Embryoscope®+ and MIRI®!

They say good things come in threes (in french, “Jamais deux sans trois”, or in spanish, “No hay dos sin tres “) We are now connected to a third major time-lapse system: MIRI® from Esco! What a great way to start this new year. Last year, we had succesfully connected our…

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ImVitro raises $2.5M to keep increasing the number of succesful pregnancies worldwide!

  We are delighted to announce that ImVitro has raised $2.5M with LDV Capital, MMC Ventures & Tiny VC to get closer to the US market, make key technical and sales hires and add features to our main product to keep making our customers more efficient and effective. We are…

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IVF: femtech or famtech?

by Alexandra Boussommier-Calleja As the founder of a company focusing on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), I have repeatedly been told that ImVitro is a Femtech company, with what I believe to be very good intentions. I started receiving mixed signals as to why: sometimes, it seems to be because the…

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Why serverless? An insight from ImVitro’s technical architect 

By Hedaia Ghannam As the technical architect here at ImVitro, I am responsible for designing the structure of our software Embryoly and overseeing its development with the engineering team. In this blog post, I will walk you through the reasoning behind two key decisions made while building Embryoly around AWS…

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Embryoly is now connected to GERI® for deeper integration in IVF labs

Earlier in the year, we had connected our platform to the Embryoscope® and Embryoscope+® (Vitrolife). We are now thrilled to announce that we are also connected to the GERI® (Genea BiomedX), another major player amongst time-lapse microscopes! One more to go…. Stay tuned!

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Can AI bring time-lapse imaging to the next level?​

Can AI bring time-lapse imaging to the next level ? by Yakup Yilmaz        30 May  2022 IVF success rates have remained relatively low for over a decade [1] while infertility is steadily becoming more of a burden to our society. To improve IVF success rates, a great…

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ImVitro is ISO 13485 certified

We are proud to announce that in addition to having obtained the CE Marking in 2021, ImVitro has now received the ISO 13485 certification, awarded by BSI! This is a huge achievement for a medical device company, and  demonstrates that our quality management system complies with the european regulatory expectations….

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ImVitro at the AWS Summit Paris

Our CEO and founder Alexandra Boussommier was the guest of the AWS Summit Paris  alongside Dali Kilani, CTO of Lifen to talk about conformity and regulatory requirements with  AWS cloud computing. Both founders explore how their companies are using cloud computing technology in healthcare and advises other aspiring founders. For…

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Our 5 tips for AI start-ups to effectively complete and maintain their CE marking technical file

Bridging the gap between theory and practice for a Software as a Medical Device powered by artificial intelligence  by Inès D’Heygère Every company that plans on launching a Software as Medical Device(SaMD) is faced with the obligation to comply with the regulations applicable in their marketing countries. If you want…

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Alexandra Boussommier joins Adastra ventures’s bootcamp!

Our CEO and founder Alexandra Boussommier was accepted into the founder bootcamp “Get to Even”! We are excited for Alexandra’s participation and grateful for Ad Astra‘s support of female founders and leaders.    

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The IVF journey part II: what happens after embryo transfer

Embryo transfer outcome by Yakup Yilmaz     19 April 2022

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The IVF journey part I: what happens before embryo transfer

Your IVF journey by Yakup Yilmaz     4 April 2022

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Birth of ImVitro

Why ImVitro ? by Alexandra Boussommier It is generally said that you can get to the bottom of any question by asking close to 5 consecutive “Why?”. To inaugurate ImVitro’s blog, I decided to go through this exercise myself to dig deep into why I started this company and to…

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Libération talks about ImVitro

For our francophone readers, check out the article about ImVitro today published on the Dossier santé of the newspaper Libération. It is great to see our work talked on such a well known media alongside other exciting medical innovations.  

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ImVitro is accepted into digital health incubator Bpifrance

It is a great honor to  announce that ImVitro is part of the  the digital health incubator led by Bpifrance and Fondation Université Paris, alongside the startups Ma Clinique Digitale, MedInBox, Mobaspace, MyPL and Tricky. Thanks to both for their support and trust!

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ImVitro, a key actor of fertility tech according to Cherry Ventures

Women’s health and infertility is at the heart of attention in Europe and investors are aware of it. It is wonderful to see ImVitro being mentioned by Cherry Ventures as one of the key actors in Europe that works to improve IVF outcomes and reduce the time to pregnancy. More…

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